A few weeks ago, my fly girls & I descended on the district to part-take in
the events for the Congressional Black Caucus. We wound up @ the Park &
the events for the Congressional Black Caucus. We wound up @ the Park &
14th and posted at a table on the first floor to survey our surroundings. Don’t
get me wrong, it was definitely packed, but we were somewhat bored and uninterested.
I guess it just wasn’t our type of crowd…

Spotting our melancholy gazes, a well dressed young gentleman made his
way to our table. He asked one of my friends if we would like a drink and
invited us to the private section he had reserved upstairs. He & his friends
were courteous & polite and the more we drank the more they kept the bottles
coming. We laughed and danced but other than that the guys tended to their
other guest and left us to do as we pleased. (This is a girl’s dream come true in
the club. Most guys buy you one drink and try to act like they’ve rented you for
the night. This was totally not the case tonight). Towards the end of the night, my
one friend & I walked off while as our “knight in shining armor” (for storytelling
purposes, this dude will henceforth be known as “Knight”) got to know our
friend better. They exchanged numbers and we left soon there after. On the
car ride home, my friend explained to us how Knight invited her to “hang out”
again, possibly in NYC, Vegas, etc. (a bit much for a first encounter but he seemed
like a nice enough guy so I can dig it.).

They kept in contact for the next week or so and Knight asked to take my
They kept in contact for the next week or so and Knight asked to take my
friend out on a date. He said he wasn’t familiar with the city and told her “it’s
whatever you like” (ok, he may not have said it just like that, but I’m trying
to insert a soundtrack to paint a picture, lol). My friend responded “how bout
Ruth Chris?” At this point, Knight completely flipped the script. More or less,
he told her to pump her brakes & get out his pockets (ha!). He thought it was
inappropriate for her to ask to go to Ruth Chris on a first date and told her Friday’s
would have been a more appropriate response (which is what he should have
suggested instead of giving her the unlimited option if he felt that strongly about it).
Being the self-sufficient diva that she is, my friend was pissed & exclaimed
“did he just call me a gold digger?!?!”…
Just as shocked by the turn of events as my friend was, it got me thinking. Let me know if you feel me:
Just as shocked by the turn of events as my friend was, it got me thinking. Let me know if you feel me:
Part 2 Tomorrow