I just waxed my own lip for the first time and it went very well! I'm feeling like such a G I thought I should write about it, lol.
So I was talking to my homie Ms Heartache about my experience & telling her that I think I wanted to try to do my eyebrows & underarms next. We're all super pumped up, not because we don't routinely have these things done but because we are just figuring out that it is just as easy and a lot cheaper to do them ourselves! I understand that this is not news to some ladies who've mastered the art of self grooming long ago but I never thought I would be able to pour hot wax onto my skin & rip it off all by myself. I feel like a big girl... & a recession-proof frugalista diva!
Anywho, in addition to commenting on how much this would save me time & money I commented "& this will make me a good wife because if I can do this all the time, ANYTIME by myself, my future husband won't know that I wasn't born hairless!". I know that guys know most females have extensive grooming habits but I started wondering if they really know how involved the processes can be. And this isn't limited to grooming. Do guys really know all of the things we do to keep it sexy???
Hair done, nails done, everything did. That's pretty standard but did you know that we put bronzer on our boobs to enhance the look of our cleavage? Or that most females order light meals on a date not because they don't want to look fat & greedy but because they don't want to have to worry about a heavy meal's digestion & "exit strategy" if she decides to go home with you that night?
Women are perfect imperfections and the difference between a lady and an average chick is that a lady is able to manage those imperfections effortlessly. It's definitely ok (and highly recommended) to let your guard down and give your man as much as the real you when you are in a committed relationship but there is no need to get completely laxed with your physical appearance and throw out the window the things that first attracted him to you. Men are very aesethic creatures, being pleasing to the eye is always a plus.